How to make OPCOM Scanner working 2021 year vehicles?
Firstly you need a good opcom interface with Real PIC18F458 chip for flash firmware ,then you can downgrade or upgrade the Firmware.this will have risk if you have not good PIC18F458 Chip,it will damaged when flash firmware .
Why we flash the firmware on opcom ?
1.some vehicles need lower or newer firmware ,otherwise won’t connection
2.newest opcom software 200603a need correct firmware ,fake or incorrect firmware won’t working out
Steps make opcom working on opcom 200603a software :
1. Make sure your interface has genuine vid and pid(6001) ,if not use the restore of ocfd.if your system has modified ftdi drivers first use the cleaner included then install the proper drivers.
2. Make sure your interface uses ftdi driver that is maximum AND NOT NEWER!!!!! -> this is a must.
3. Make sure your interface has a proper firmware, not some fake 1.70 or 1.99 or some other shit chinese inventions.
To be sur e use included ocflash to put one of the firmwares there. Maximum official version is 1.67 on last 2020.06 version.
Any interface without this chip is just a copy junk that sooner or later will brake. Buy a 20$ chinese clone and be happy.
Buy a proper one(Genuine V5 model), do the modification to revision C and then you get also manual scan to CH-CAN modules.
All that you get here is FREE, make sure you read the txt on install screens. All versions are in ENGLISH.
You can install all of them in the same computer because they will make own folders in the same subfolder and will
create shortcuts in the same program GROUP.
Password if needed is fantomel
opcom 200603a 2020 download link
Enjoy 🙂
Hi! Tell me please, can I upgrade my Op-Com 1.59 firmware version to 1.99 in order to use it with new Opel 2021 software version on windows 10?
Is the firmware upgradable?
Let me add that my OpCom is equipped with real PIC18F458 chip.
If you can tell me step by step how to do it I would really appreciate. Thanks
You no need update to V1.99 Firmware , it is fake version . 1.59 is ok
Just do the steps as post steps by steps . but have risk if not real PIC18F458 main chip
Thanks for your reply! If you can give me your email address I will attach o picture of my opcom MB for you to check the chip and harware configurarion.
I understand that in my case, if all conditions are met I can install the new 2021 software and give it a try, right?
Works great! Many thanks for the instructions… 🙂
I can update from internet my opcom 1.60 to 1.67 or not??? ( they ask me for update 1.67)
And how i can update it with yours firmware 1.67?
Sorry for my bad english.
Zrobilam jak w opisie i mam teraz op com1.66
I did as in the description and it has already been updated to 1.66. Thank you, great job
Contain Trojan ?
disable your virus programmer ,many guys have working out
Have this working fine on Engine Module but cannot get anything from the Transmission Module. Blocks are all red and generally 0 including sytem voltage. Looking for fluid (ATF) temperature mostly. Does anyone have valid transmission data working for ANY model?
get one professiona tool as GM MDI ,opcom won’t do all modules
Is this work with 1.70 version of firmware?
Maximum official version is 1.67 ,1.70 is fake
Hello there
I can’t open the features that are turned off in my 2015 astra k vehicle, it gives an error.
good morning, does anyone know if it is possible to program a key (keyless) with the opcom? I tried it in several ways and I was unable to do it
Good day . I have a problem with the Op-com connection. after installation, I did a test in Vaux-com and everything was ok. After the test in Op-com, too, when I wanted to connect to the car. So it wanted activation, which I copied into the activation window and now it says during the cable test: Connect the adapter to the car. Is there any possibility to revive the adapter?
version 1.95 with dongle
Thank you
this method works great. I had so called firmware 1.70 now I have 1.67 and it covers the cars till 2021 year. Best regards
I have an Opel Astra J 1.7CDTI 2013 and a Chinaclone Opcom interface with v5 chip. firmware is 1.59. What steps do I have to take now please?